RAW-E Dry Cooler

RAW/E Industrial Air Coolers

Nominal thermal duty: from 60 to 800 kW
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Temperature range: from -10°C up to 50°C
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

How to cool process fluids in the total absence of water? By employing industrial air coolers, or “dry coolers,” such as Frigofluid’s RAW/E series: simple, environmentally friendly, low acquisition cost.

Zero water use.

Zero water use. The system cools the fluid solely by the ambient air drawn in.

For medium to high outlet temperatures.

For medium to high outlet temperatures. Close to the temperature of the air intake.

Ecological system.

Ecological system. Air is the only cooling fluid, energy saving due to high quality materials.

Low acquisition cost.

Low acquisition cost. Consequence of the structural simplicity of the system.

Turnkey solution.

Turnkey solution. Single point of contact throughout the project, possibility of integration with additional systems and ancillary plant components.

Prepared for remote monitoring.

Prepared for remote monitoring. A serial port can be combined with the machinery for interface connection with remote station.

RAW/E industrial coolers: operation and advantages.

RAW/E liquid coolers (water, water/antifreeze) operate through a closed circuit, consisting of a finned coil crossed in countercurrent by ambient air. Due to the sizing of the coil, it is possible to achieve process fluid temperatures close to the temperature of the intake air.

They are industrial chillers designed for fluids between 0°C up to 70°C, with external temperatures between -10°C and +50°C: cooling powers available as standard from 64 kWf up to 782 kWf, considering a 10°C difference between ambient air and supply water.

“RAW” series chillers are environmentally friendly machines: the fluids used in the cooling process are simply water/antifreeze (fluid to be cooled) and ambient air (cooling fluid). In addition, the use of high quality materials allows the achievement of high efficiency values (ratio of kWf rendered in cooling to kW absorbed in power consumption).

Particular applications that do not allow the addition of antifreeze in the hydraulic circuit find the solution with the installation of the cooler model “RAW / S” that provides manual or automatic emptying of the “battery”.

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Preliminary Assessment

Many interlocutors come to us with a very general idea of their industrial refrigeration needs: this is normal. That's why we stimulate the sharing of technical information.

Customized Design

We believe that integration with the best accessories on the market and the careful and 'unified' selection of internal components can make the difference.

Custom Chillers and Turnkey Plants

Production facilities and the characteristic of the installation area also have important effects on the design: because one cannot stop at the listed solutions.