FTT DC Termoregolatore con Auto-Tuning

FTT DC Water Thermoregulator

Nominal thermal duty: from 9 to 17 kW
0 5 10 15 20 25
Temperature range: up to 140°C
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

High temperatures, kept stable over time: FTT DC water temperature controllers take advantage of the principle of direct cooling by integrating with external water sources for long self-stabilization to benefit industrial processes. All with great ease of use, thanks to the touch-screen control panel.

Ease of use.

Ease of use. Thanks to the adjustable touch-screen control panel.

Excellent temperature stabilization.

Excellent temperature stabilization. Possible through direct cooling function, consequent to classical thermoregulation (water integration with external sources).

High pressure.

High pressure. Models with oversized pump, suitable for users with high pressure drops.

Reduced resource utilization.

Reduced resource utilization. Through the process of self-stabilization.

Soluzione chiavi in mano.

Soluzione chiavi in mano. Single point of contact throughout the project, possibility of integration with additional systems and ancillary plant components.

Prepared for remote monitoring.

Prepared for remote monitoring. A serial port can be combined with the machinery for interface connection with remote station.

For high temperatures... and stable over time

Often the main critical issue for molding industries is not achieving the temperatures needed for their processes, but maintaining them over time. Hence the usefulness of temperature control units that not only send the fluids needed to do the job up to temperature, but are capable of subsequent self-tuning.

This is the way FTT DC water temperature controllers operate, which wrap direct cooling to stabilize fluid grades after the desired temperature has been reached. This requires integration with a source of cooled water: a simple well or a chiller or cooling system (chiller or dry cooler). Our engineers are available to determine which cooling solution is the most effective and economical.

Not only that. The management of these successive heating-cooling steps is easier when done with a touch screen: a feature with which FTT DC temperature controllers are equipped.

Units in the FTT category are specially designed to condition molds and cylinders. Some examples of industries served: plastics and rubber molding, extrusion, paper converting industry.

Some Frigofluid projects

Tools to help you choose

Preliminary Assessment

Many interlocutors come to us with a very general idea of their industrial refrigeration needs: this is normal. That's why we stimulate the sharing of technical information.

Customized Design

We believe that integration with the best accessories on the market and the careful and 'unified' selection of internal components can make the difference.

Custom Chillers and Turnkey Plants

Production facilities and the characteristic of the installation area also have important effects on the design: because one cannot stop at the listed solutions.